Thursday, February 24, 2011

Today will be better

So far today has been a better day than yesterday.  Girls are on the mend and not as whiney.  I told matt he needs to up the ante and do more with me.   And i have exactly one week until i leave to Florida. Oh my gosh.  In one week and one day i will have boobs!  Its still hasnt hit me yet.  The first question people ask me when i tell them im getting implants is: how big are you going.  And i havent really known the answer.  But after a lot of research, Ive decided im set on 400ccs.  Some of you may have no idea what im talking about or what 400ccs translates to when it comes to cup size.  the cc's is the amount of silicone or saline in the actual implant.  What cup size is 400ccs? Im not sure.  Probably a C to small D.  From the pictures ive seen it looks like the size that wont be too big but it also wont be dissapointingly small.

Have you ever tried typing with a toddler using you as a jungle gym?  Not easy.

Theres 2 women i know who lost their babies just a few days after Sammi was born.  Their due dates were around Sammi's.  It makes me so sad to think how I will be celebrating my babies first birthday next month and they will be mourning the anniversary of their baby's passing.  Its not fair to them.  Why do babies have to die?  Its seems so wrong.  I just dont get it. Everytime i read a story about something like this, it breaks my heart and scares me at the same time.  I couldnt imagine losing one of my babies.  I would die myself. 

On a happier note, its supposed to be nice out today and tomorrow :)  I think my mood corresponds with the weather.  Im always in a good mood when its nice out.  I just need to move to a secluded island and I would be happier all the time :)

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