Wednesday, February 23, 2011


These past couple of days have been really stressful. Well, not that stressful but not fun.  Both girls have colds and are constantly whining.  I think im going to lose my mind!  All the whining and crankiness is making me look forward to going to FL!  Its not fun to deal with it from 7am-8pm.  Yeah 7am.  Theyve been waking up extra early.  As i write this bella is in front of my whining.  AHhhhH!!!!  Why cant you babies just be happy!?  I feel bad that they are sick but seeing as matt is never home now, i dont get a lot of non-whining adult interaction.  Im a little used to sammi whining because thats all she does but shes been capable of turning it up a notch.  Please please please someone send over the get well fairy to make them healthy again and hopefully they will stop whining.

I'd really like a night out with matt just to do something fun for once.  But i dont see that happening anytime soon.  Its quite frustrating.  Like i said, im really looking forward to FL.  Maybe he will miss me a little and want to do something with me.  We'll see.

All in all, todays not a good day.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that both girls are feeling better soon, and that you get some adult interaction :)
