Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sooo Sleepy.....

Working just 2 nights a week until 2 in the morning makes it hard for me to fall asleep the rest of the days.  Blah! 
Funny story: this morning both the girls were playing in the room while I tried to cling to the bed for sleep just a little longer.  Bella kept yelling for me and I figured it was nothing because it usually is.  So without getting up or opening my eyes, I kept telling her to come over and get in bed with me.  I also kept asking her what was wrong and she kept yelling my name in slight distress.  Finally I sit up to see shes stripped down to her diaper and she has her finger pointed out at me.  "Poop!" she yells in the most disgusted voice.  And yes, there was poop sticking off the end of her pointer finger.  I couldn't help but laugh because she seemed absolutely horrified that there was poop on her finger.  So I cleaned her hands and changed and that was that.

Matt started his first day of the police academy today!  I'm so excited for him but at the same time scared.  I always read about police officers getting shot.  I couldn't imagine my little babies growing up without their daddy :(  But he's excited so I'm happy for him.  Gotta be honest, I'm tired of worrying about my punctuation already.  So from now on, no more apostraphes if I dont feel like typing them.  And "I" will probably not be capitalized. 

On a very happy note, i scheduled my surgery!  So if everything goes as planned, i will have new boobies on march 4!  I know some people think its shallow.  But I think its shallow of them to judge someone for wanting to feel better about themselves.  Soooo...yeah i dont care what people think about it :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess, I just saw your blog added to the list on the dewdrops group! Obviously you're being open about the new bbs so would you mind if I asked you a few questions? I really want to get mine done but I'm worried they'd get messed up if I had another baby, which I want to, so I'm waiting to see how that pans out. But anyway, what does your doctor say the recovery will be like? And what type are you getting? We could discuss via facebook/email if you prefer. And I think anyone who judges is just jealous!
